Friday, March 23, 2007


This is probably true. Some smoked and burnt foods may contain substances that potentially could cause cancer. The risk of cancer from these substances depends on the amount present and the amount of food eaten.

Generally, the levels of these cancer-producing substances in the total Australian diet is so low that the incidence of cancer from these is likely to be insignificant.

One group of carcinogenic substances in smoked and burnt foods, known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are produced when organic materials such as food or wood are strongly heated. When wood is burnt, the resulting smoke may contain varying amounts of PAHs. If the smoke is used to preserve or flavour food, some of the PAHs can be absorbed by the food.

PAHs can also be formed when meat is charred during grilling or barbecuing. The formation of PAHs can be minimised by removing as much fat as possible and not charring the meat.


Anonymous said...

Celamat tengahari Sofea..tgh masak ke tgh makan? Atauuu tgh tido heheh. Tula...masa kita jaga arwah MIL byk cubaannya. Mana tukarkan lampin, baju, time ubat & makan lak pakai tiub blm lagi ngan anak2 & kerja rumah. Nasib baik hubby tlg sama esp time mandikan arwahnya, yelah bdnnya meringkuk mcm baby dlm perut gitu. But to me ini semua dugaanNya & Alhamdullillah my family & adik-beradiknya semua did their part. My FIL dah meninggal 1 1/2 yrs ago. Sofea, thanxs for ur doas, my 2nd dotters umurnya 8, 4th dotter 5. Sori ahh, gotta go now bujang sulung dah balik dah...


sofea said...

Morning Lela...Sofea faham sangat Lela..bukan senang ehh jaga org sakit..nak kene banyak sabar..semoga jasa u diberi ganjaran oleh Allah..insya Allah.Sebab tu..kiter yg hidup ni perlu jaga kesihatan kita..kita nak kene jaga pemakanan kite..kita tak leh sumbat aje sebarang makanan dlm perut kita meskipun makanan tu takde zat.Anak sulong lela berapa tahun?hehehe..kepo plak sofea ni..jgn maraehhh