Friday, March 23, 2007

RaDiAtIoN,MiCrOwAvEs AnD CaNcEr

What is radiation? Could the radiation used in a microwave oven cause cancer?

Microwave ovens don’t make foods radioactive. They just heat them. If you use a microwave oven in the correct way there is no known harmful effect on humans. But people still tend to worry. Understanding the different types of radiation may help to reassure you that cooking in a microwave is not dangerous and won’t cause cancer.

Radiation is the release of energy from any source. There are many different sources of energy around us. For example, our bodies give off heat, which is a form of energy. There is also energy released from everyday things such as

  • Household electrical appliances
  • Heaters
  • The sun and
  • X-ray machines

Not all radiation is harmful. It depends on the type of radiation and how much exposure to it you have. There are several types of radiation. All of which can be grouped under either
  • Ionising Radiation or Non-Ionising Radiation

Ionising radiation

This is what most people mean when they talk about ‘radiation’. This type of radiation is made of high-energy waves. It is quite a complicated process. But the end result is the energy can get into cells and chemically change the way the cell works. This is called ionisation. As we know from medical tests, very small amounts of ionising radiation don’t do us too much harm. But too much can cause burns, radiation sickness and cancer.

The genetic material of a cell (known as DNA) is very sensitive to ionising radiation. DNA is a code of all the genes that carry the instructions for how our body works and its characteristics. For example, there is a gene to tell the body to have brown hair or blue eyes.

Ionising radiation can change a cell’s DNA. If this happens, then that cell’s inbuilt instructions about how to live and grow are jumbled about. It is then possible for the cell to do something very different from what it's been programmed to do. For example, it may become cancerous and keep reproducing in an uncontrolled way. This could take years to happen but it still means that a cancer may eventually develop.

Ionising radiation can damage any cell in the body. But it all depends on how much radiation the cell gets. There are 3 main types of ionising radiation that you may be exposed to. Too much of any of them can harm the body. They are

  • Natural Background Radiation
  • Medical Radiation and Non- Medical Radiation

Natural background radiation

We are constantly being exposed to ionising radiation from natural sources. It comes from
  • Radioactive substances in the soil
  • Radioactive gases given off from the earth such as radon
  • Very small amounts of radioactivity in the body
  • Cosmic rays from the solar system (the sun, stars and outer space)

Medical radiation

The use of radiation in medicine includes
  • Diagnostic radiology which includes using X-ray machines to get pictures of the inside of the body
  • Nuclear medicine which involves drinking a radioactive substance or injecting it into the body to help with diagnosing or treating diseases and
  • Radiotherapy which uses high energy rays to kill cancer cells

Non-medical radiation

This includes nuclear radiation that comes from previous nuclear weapon explosions or accidents throughout the world, such as that at Chernobyl.

Non-ionising radiation

Non-ionising radiation has enough energy to move things around inside a cell but not enough to change cells chemically. The radiation from a microwave oven is non-ionising. Other examples include
  • Ultraviolet rays from the sun or sunbeds
  • Electromagnetic fields
  • Radio waves
  • Radiation waves given off from household electrical appliances, heaters, mobile phones with or without headsets and computers and their screens

The only type of non-ionising radiation that we know can cause cancer is over exposure to ultraviolet rays, which causes skin cancer.

There is research going on into other types of ionising radiation and any possible link to cancer. There is information on CancerHelp UK into the investigation of cancer risk and electromagnetic fields, mobile phones and computer screens.

As far as microwave ovens go, we do understand how they heat food.
The radiation they produce is absorbed by water molecules in the food. This causes the water molecules to vibrate and produces heat, which cooks the food. Any modern day microwave oven in good condition is perfectly safe as long as you follow the instructions for use.

Studies have looked at the possible link between microwave ovens and cancer. Some results suggest there may be a link but other studies haven’t been able to prove this at all. Most experts say that microwave ovens don’t give off enough energy to damage the genetic material (DNA) in cells so they can’t cause cancer.

Although microwaves are safe to use it is important to point out that cooking in them can affect the nutritional value of some foods, for example, fruit and vegetables. But nutrients are lost when heating foods in any way - boiling, grilling, frying or even steaming. The Food Standards Agency (an independent food safety watchdog set up by the Government) say that the amount of nutrients lost when cooking with a microwave is the same as with other cooking methods. The best way to cook fruit and vegetables is to use as little water as possible (steaming) and not to over cook them. This will preserve as many nutrients as possible.

FoOdS ThAt CoNtAiN StArCh WhEn FrIeD,BaKeD MaY CaUsE CaNcEr



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classifies acrylamide, a colourless, crystalline solid, as a medium hazard probable human carcinogen.

Potato chips, french fries, breakfast cereal, bread and other foods based on starch or sugar also contain a substance that may cause cancer, the National Food Administration said Tuesday.

The substance, called acrylamide, forms when carbohydrates are heated such as by baking bread or frying potatoes, researchers claimed.

The National Food Administration studied more than 100 foods and determined that "fried, oven-baked and deep-fried potato and cereal products may contain high levels of acrylamide."

"The discovery that acrylamide is formed during the preparation of food ... is new knowledge," researcher Leif Busk said. "It may now be possible to explain some of the cases of cancer caused by food."

Swedish researchers estimated acrylamide could be responsible for several hundred of the 45,000 cancer cases in Sweden each year, based on experiments in which rats were fed fried food.

They declined to identify a specific type of cancer that could be caused by acrylamide, saying further study was needed.

Nevertheless, researchers did not quantify the apparent cancer risk and health officials didn't issue any guidelines on what or how much to eat.

"Do not stop eating these foods, but beware of what you eat, eat more cooked food, more vegetables," said Lilianne Abramsson Zetterberg, a toxicologist with the government agency.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency describes acrylamide as white, odorless, flake-like crystals that are used mainly in treating drinking water and for industrial purposes. It can cause cancer in people exposed to high levels for a long period.

Two of Sweden's national newspapers reported the story on their front pages Tuesday ahead of the food agency's news conference, which was televised live to an interested, apparently nervous public. So many people tried to log onto the agency's Web site that it temporarily shut down.

"I see this alarm as one among many," said Eva Buren, a spokeswoman for the grocery chain ICA. "Most of us know already that you should not eat a bag of chips a day."

Swedish researchers said they believed their studies were the first to look at its creation and consumption in food.

The food agency said its data confirmed similar findings by researchers at Stockholm University.

Findings were being submitted to the 15-nation European Union for further study.

CaNcEr FiGhTiNg FoOdS/SpIcEs

The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet related. What you eat can hurt you, but it can also help you. Many of the common foods found in grocery stores or organic markets contain cancer-fighting properties, from the antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals to the powerful phytochemicals that scientists are just beginning to explore. There isn't a single element in a particular food that does all the work: The best thing to do is eat a variety of foods.

The following foods have the ability to help stave off cancer and some can even help inhibit cancer cell growth or reduce tumor size.

Avocados are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of certain fats. They also supply even more potassium than bananas and are a strong source of beta-carotene. Scientists also believe that avocados may also be useful in treating viral hepatitis (a cause of liver cancer), as well as other sources of liver damage.

Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have a chemical component called indole-3-carbinol that can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer-promoting estrogen into a more protective variety. Broccoli, especially sprouts, also have the phytochemical sulforaphane, a product of glucoraphanin - believed to aid in preventing some types of cancer, like colon and rectal cancer. Sulforaphane induces the production of certain enzymes that can deactivate free radicals and carcinogens. The enzymes have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors in laboratory animals. However, be aware that the Agriculture Department studied 71 types of broccoli plants and found a 30-fold difference in the amounts of glucoraphanin. It appears that the more bitter the broccoli is, the more glucoraphanin it has. Broccoli sprouts have been developed under the trade name BroccoSprouts that have a consistent level of sulforaphane - as much as 20 times higher than the levels found in mature heads of broccoli.

Carrots contain a lot of beta carotene, which may help reduce a wide range of cancers including lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast. Some research indicated beta carotene may actually cause cancer, but this has not proven that eating carrots, unless in very large quantities - 2 to 3 kilos a day, can cause cancer. In fact, a substance called falcarinol that is found in carrots has been found to reduce the risk of cancer, according to researchers at Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS). Kirsten Brandt, head of the research department, explained that isolated cancer cells grow more slowly when exposed to falcarinol. This substance is a polyacethylen, however, so it is important not to cook the carrots.

Chili peppers and jalapenos contain a chemical, capsaicin, which may neutralize certain cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) and may help prevent cancers such as stomach cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage contain two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin that may help decrease prostate and other cancers.

Figs apparently have a derivative of benzaldehyde. It has been reported that investigators at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo say benzaldehyde is highly effective at shrinking tumors, though I haven't seen this report. In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says figs, which contain vitamins A and C, and calcium, magnesium and potassium, may curtail appetite and improve weight-loss efforts. Fig juice is also a potent bacteria killer in test-tube studies.

Flax contains lignans, which may have an antioxidant effect and block or suppress cancerous changes. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to protect against colon cancer and heart disease.

Garlic has immune-enhancing allium compounds (dialyl sultides) that appear to increase the activity of immune cells that fight cancer and indirectly help break down cancer causing substances. These substances also help block carcinogens from entering cells and slow tumor development. Diallyl sulfide, a component of garlic oil, has also been shown to render carcinogens in the liver inactive. Studies have linked garlic — as well as onions, leeks, and chives — to lower risk of stomach and colon cancer. Dr. Lenore Arab, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the UNC-CH (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) schools of public health and medicine and colleagues analyzed a number of studies and reported their findings in the October 2000 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. According to the report, people who consume raw or cooked garlic regularly face about half the risk of stomach cancer and two-thirds the risk of colorectal cancer as people who eat little or none. Their studies didn't show garlic supplements had the same effect. It is believed garlic may help prevent stomach cancer because it has anti-bacterial effects against a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, found in the stomach and known to promote cancer there.

Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes, believed to help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies show that grapefruit may inhibit the proliferation of breast-cancer cells in vitro. They also contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid.

Grapes, red contain bioflavonoids, powerful antioxidants that work as cancer preventives. Grapes are also a rich source of resveratrol, which inhibits the enzymes that can stimulate cancer-cell growth and suppress immune response. They also contain ellagic acid, a compound that blocks enzymes that are necessary for cancer cells - this appears to help slow the growth of tumors.

Studies show that consumption of green and yellow leafy vegetables has been associated with lower levels of stomach cancer.

Kale has indoles, nitrogen compounds which may help stop the conversion of certain lesions to cancerous cells in estrogen-sensitive tissues. In addition, isothiocyanates, phytochemicals found in kale, are thought to suppress tumor growth and block cancer-causing substances from reaching their targets.

Licorice root has a chemical, glycyrrhizin, that blocks a component of testosterone and therefore may help prevent the growth of prostate cancer. However, excessive amounts can lead to elevated blood pressure.

Mushrooms - There are a number of mushrooms that appear to help the body fight cancer and build the immune system - Shiitake, maitake, reishi, Agaricus blazei Murill, and Coriolus Versicolor. These mushrooms contain polysaccharides, especially Lentinan, powerful compounds that help in building immunity. They are a source of Beta Glucan. They also have a protein called lectin, which attacks cancerous cells and prevents them from multiplying. They also contain Thioproline. These mushrooms can stimulate the production of interferon in the body.

Extracts from mushrooms have been successfully tested in recent years in Japan as an adjunct to chemotherapy. PSK is made from the Coriolus Versicolor. Maitake mushroom extract is PCM4.

Nuts contain the antioxidants quercetin and campferol that may suppress the growth of cancers. Brazil nut contains 80 micrograms of selenium, which is important for those with prostate cancer. (Note: Many people are allergic to the proteins in nuts, so if you have any symptoms such as itchy mouth, tight throat, wheezing, etc. after eating nuts, stop. Consider taking a selenium supplement instead or work with someone on how to eliminate this allergy.)

Oranges and lemons contain Iimonene which stimulates cancer-killing immune cells (lymphocytes, e.g.) that may also break down cancer-causing substances.

Papayas have vitamin C that works as an antioxidant and may also reduce absorption of cancer-causing nitrosamines from the soil or processed foods. Papaya contains folacin (also known as folic acid), which has been shown to minimize cervical dysplasia and certain cancers.

Raspberries contain many vitamins, minerals, plant compounds and antioxidants known as anthocyanins that may protect against cancer. According to a recent research study reported by Cancer Research 2001;61:6112-6119, rats fed diets of 5% to 10% black raspberries saw the number of esophageal tumors decrease by 43% to 62%. A diet containing 5% black raspberries was more effective than a diet containing 10% black raspberries. Research reported in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in May 2002 shows black raspberries may also thwart colon cancer. Black raspberries are rich in antioxidants, thought to have even more cancer-preventing properties than blueberries and strawberries.

Red wine, even without alcohol, has polyphenols that may protect against various types of cancer. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants, compounds that help neutralize disease-causing free radicals. Also, researchers at the University of North Carolina's medical school in Chapel Hill found the compound resveratrol, which is found in grape skins. It appears that resveratrol inhibits cell proliferation and can help prevent cancer. However, the findings didn't extend to heavy imbibers, so it should be used in moderation. In addition, alcohol can be toxic to the liver and to the nervous system, and many wines have sulfites, which may be harmful to your health. Note: some research indicates that alcohol is considered a class "A" carcinogen which can actually cause cancer . You should probably switch to non-alcoholic wines.

Rosemary may help increase the activity of detoxification enzymes. An extract of rosemary, termed carnosol, has inhibited the development of both breast and skin tumors in animals. We haven't found any studies done on humans. Rosemary can be used as a seasoning. It can also be consumed as a tea: Use 1 tsp. dried leaves per cup of hot water; steep for 15 minutes.

Seaweed and other sea vegetables contain beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12, fiber, and chlorophyll, as well as chlorophylones - important fatty acids that may help in the fight against breast cancer. Many sea vegetables also have high concentrations of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and iodine.

Soy products like tofu contain several types of phytoestrogens — weak, nonsteroidal estrogens that could help prevent both breast and prostate cancer by blocking and suppressing cancerous changes. There are a number of isoflavones in soy products, but research has shown that genistein is the most potent inhibitor of the growth and spread of cancerous cells. It appears to lower breast-cancer risk by inhibiting the growth of epithelial cells and new blood vessels that tumors require to flourish and is being scrutinized as a potential anti-cancer drug. However, there are some precautions to consider when adding soy to your diet. Eating up to 4 or 5 ounces of tofu or other soy a day is probably ok, but research is being done to see if loading up on soy could cause hormone imbalances that stimulate cancer growth. As a precaution, women who have breast cancer or are at high risk should talk to their doctors before taking pure isoflavone powder and pills, extracted from soy.

Sweet potatoes contain many anticancer properties, including beta-carotene, which may protect DNA in the cell nucleus from cancer-causing chemicals outside the nuclear membrane.

Teas: Green Tea and Black tea contain certain antioxidants known as polyphenols (catechins) which appear to prevent cancer cells from dividing. Green tea is best, followed by our more common black tea (herbal teas do not show this benefit). According to a report in the July 2001 issue of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, these polyphenols that are abundant in green tea, red wine and olive oil, may protect against various types of cancer. Dry green tea leaves, which are about 40% polyphenols by weight, may also reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach, lung, colon, rectum, liver and pancreas, study findings have suggested.

Tapioca is derived from the cassava plant. It is one of the many plants that manufactures cyanide by producing a chemical called linamarine which releases hydrogen cyanide when it is broken down by the linamarase enzyme. Spanish researches have been studying the cassava and attempting to clone the genes from the plant which are responsible for producing the hydrogen cyanide and then transfer it to a retrovirus.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks roaming oxygen molecules, known as free radicals, that are suspected of triggering cancer. It appears that the hotter the weather, the more lycopene tomatoes produce. They also have vitamin C, an antioxidant which can prevent cellular damage that leads to cancer. Watermelons, carrots, and red peppers also contain these substances, but in lesser quantities. It is concentrated by cooking tomatoes. Scientists in Israel have shown that lycopene can kill mouth cancer cells. An increased intake of lycopene has already been linked to a reduced risk of breast, prostate, pancreas and colorectal cancer. (Note: Recent studies indicate that for proper absorption, the body also needs some oil along with lycopene.)

Tumeric (curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, is believed to have medicinal properties because it inhibits production of the inflammation-related enzyme cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2), levels of which are abnormally high in certain inflammatory diseases and cancers, especially bowel and colon cancer. In fact, a pharmaceutical company Phytopharm in the UK hopes to introduce a natural product, P54, that contains certain volatile oils, which greatly increase the potency of the turmeric spice.

Turnips are said to contain glucose molaes which is a cancer fighting compound. I haven't confirmed this.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables has been associated with decreased risk of cancers of the colon and rectum.


This is probably true. Some smoked and burnt foods may contain substances that potentially could cause cancer. The risk of cancer from these substances depends on the amount present and the amount of food eaten.

Generally, the levels of these cancer-producing substances in the total Australian diet is so low that the incidence of cancer from these is likely to be insignificant.

One group of carcinogenic substances in smoked and burnt foods, known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are produced when organic materials such as food or wood are strongly heated. When wood is burnt, the resulting smoke may contain varying amounts of PAHs. If the smoke is used to preserve or flavour food, some of the PAHs can be absorbed by the food.

PAHs can also be formed when meat is charred during grilling or barbecuing. The formation of PAHs can be minimised by removing as much fat as possible and not charring the meat.