Vitamins are compounds that you must have for growth and health. They are needed in small amounts only and are usually available in the foods that you eat. Ascorbic (a-SKOR-bik) acid, also known as vitamin C, is necessary for wound healing. It is needed for many functions in the body, including helping the body use carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Vitamin C also strengthens blood vessel walls.
Lack of vitamin C can lead to a condition called scurvy, which causes muscle weakness, swollen and bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and bleeding under the skin, as well as tiredness and depression. Wounds also do not heal easily. Your health care professional may treat scurvy by prescribing vitamin C for you.
Some conditions may increase your need for vitamin C. These include:
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
Diarrhea (prolonged)
Fever (prolonged)
Infection (prolonged)
Intestinal diseases
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
Stomach ulcer
Stress (continuing)
Surgical removal of stomach
Also, the following groups of people may have a deficiency of vitamin C:
Infants receiving unfortified formulas
Patients using an artificial kidney (on hemodialysis)
Patients who undergo surgery
Individuals who are exposed to long periods of cold temperatures
Increased need for vitamin C should be determined by your health care professional.
Vitamin C may be used for other conditions as determined by your health care professional.
Claims that vitamin C is effective for preventing senility and the common cold, and for treating asthma, some mental problems, cancer, hardening of the arteries, allergies, eye ulcers, blood clots, gum disease, and pressure sores have not been proven. Although vitamin C is being used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer, there is not enough information to show that these uses are effective.
Injectable vitamin C is given by or under the supervision of a health care professional. Other forms of vitamin C are available without a prescription.
Vitamin C is available in the following dosage forms:
Extended-release capsules (U.S.)
Oral solution (U.S.)
Syrup (U.S.)
Tablets (U.S. and Canada)
Chewable tablets (U.S. and Canada)
Effervescent tablets (U.S.)
Extended-release tablets (U.S. and Canada)
Injection (U.S.)
For good health, it is important that you eat a balanced and varied diet. Follow carefully any diet program your health care professional may recommend. For your specific dietary vitamin and/or mineral needs, ask your health care professional for a list of appropriate foods. If you think that you are not getting enough vitamins and/or minerals in your diet, you may choose to take a dietary supplement.
Vitamin C is found in various foods, including citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit), green vegetables (peppers, broccoli, cabbage), tomatoes, and potatoes. It is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible since they contain the most vitamins. Food processing may destroy some of the vitamins. For example, exposure to air, drying, salting, or cooking (especially in copper pots), mincing of fresh vegetables, or mashing potatoes may reduce the amount of vitamin C in foods. Freezing does not usually cause loss of vitamin C unless foods are stored for a very long time.
Vitamins alone will not take the place of a good diet and will not provide energy. Your body also needs other substances found in food such as protein, minerals, carbohydrates, and fat. Vitamins themselves often cannot work without the presence of other foods.
The daily amount of vitamin C needed is defined in several different ways.
Hi there! I'm here 2nite...Just testing- one, two, three..
salam sofea..gud morning :) sajer jerr singgah sini, bole kan?hehe
Hi Rozzan..mcm microphone plak..main testing segala..anyway..thanx Rozzan..alhamdulillah..everything dah back to normal...maklum admin nye baru lagi..jadi salah2 tekan tertekan yg salah..thanx once again..rajin2 lah singgah sini ye!
walaikumsalam mamadewi..boleh sofea link mama??kalau free,singgah sini ye...sofea sangat berbesar hati...!!Thanx mama 4 dropping by!
eloo!! kiter datang lagik ni..warr besok nak birdday eh? eh anak awak yang bongsu da 11yrs old? da besar eh how many kids u ader?mine yang eldest will turn 11 in november..neways pasal swensen tu kan, kalau pat orchard memang la ramai..maybe awak shld go to the heartlanders' cam pat west mall ke, causewaypoint ke, jurong point ke...yang pat airport pon me suker but too far for me... and bout the free ice cream tu, u nid to be their kids' club member to njoy the benefits.. check dis out
oh btw, awak add kiter in ur link? no problem..nanti kiter add awak jugak k? :)
hehehe..I've got 3 kids mama..the eldest sec2,second pri.6,the youngest pri.5.Ohh..anak u yg tua 11 yrs old ekk...u ade brape anak?yg bongsu brape tahun?tu lah mama..dulu pernah gi swensen..abis tu ternampak ade family dapat cake free...hmmm..nampaknya makan ice cream aje lah..sambut birthday pat umah aje ler..hehehe
Rozzan,mama...u all nak tengok anak i yg bongsu..tapi sekejap aje tau..lepas u all tengok i kene delete pic dia sebab dah lari dari 'theme blog' i....check out ma birthday boy on the front page ....11 tahun tu!!!
As'kum sofea, mamadewi. Nie asyik main tanya2 pasal anak eh! Ada apa2 ke? Btw sofea, biarler gambar anak tu kat dlm blog, berseri sket blog you. Ada gak pic yg bleh kita tenung2 heheh.
camat pagi sofea & bro rozzan! sofea kiter ader 3 kids aged 11, 9 & 5...bro rozzan, takder apaper sajer2 bertanyer tok eratkan ar la sofea seskali out of theme pon takper kiter nak tau jugak sal awak, famili awak :)
hehehehehehe..bukan ape Rozzan...maklum niari birthday anak Sofea jadi Sofea berminat nak gi swensen sesekali so Sofea intai blog mamadewi..sekali kebetulan mama suka gi swensen so i make enquiry ngan mama ler..about swensen..tu yg start meleret berbual pasal anak ni semua..hehehe
Ohh..kalau gitu mama ngan Rozzan suka tengok my boy's pic kat blog sofea ekk...k lah demi u all..i tak delete..hehehe....
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