Here's our list of favorite nuts, ranked by their nutrient density. These varieties contain the most protein, fiber, B-vitamins, calcium, minerals, and vitamin E for the least amount of saturated fat:
- Almonds
- Filberts (hazelnuts)
- Peanuts
- Chestnuts
- Pistachios
- Walnuts
- Cashews
- Pecans
- Macadamias
Almonds. Our "Top Nut" award goes to the almond. Here are the main nutrients in one ounce of almonds (a medium-size handful):
Filberts, (hazelnuts) because they are high in the amino acid tryptophan, are a good nut for sleep. Almonds and filberts have the most vitamin E (6.7 milligrams per ounce) - nearly 25 percent of the adult recommended dietary allowance.
NUTRITIP Walnuts have the greatest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. Chestnuts are lowest in fat, containing only about 10 percent as much fat as other nuts. What little fat is in the chestnut (1.3 grams per ounce) is nearly all the unsaturated type. Chestnuts also contain three grams of fiber per ounce, but they are relatively low in protein. Soybean nuts and peanuts are not really nuts at all. They are legumes, and they come from plants rather than trees. Both are very nutritious. Soybean nuts, while less popular because of their less appealing taste, are actually the most nutritious nut. A quarter cup of soybean nuts contains a similar number of calories to other nuts, yet packs the following nutrients: When purchasing soybean nuts, avoid those that are roasted in "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils. Praise for Peanut Butter! Could life go on without peanut butter? Yes, but not as pleasurably. Not only is peanut butter a nutrient-dense food, it is one that most children enjoy. Parents like its convenience. Two tablespoons of peanut butter, the usual amount for filling a peanut butter and jelly sandwich contains:. Problems with Peanut Butter PEANUT BUTTER TIP Nature packs a lot of nutrition into a little nut, which is why nuts and seeds get honorable mention on our "Top Twelve Foods" list. Nuts are the seeds of different trees. They come in a variety of shapes, flavors, and preparations that add to their appeal: shelled or unshelled, raw, dry roasted, oil roasted, sugared, salted, and honey-coated. Nuts and seeds are more nutrient-dense than most other foods. They are rich sources of protein, fiber, B-vitamins, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, and the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium. Think nuts have too much fat to be part of a healthy diet? Wrong! Nuts do contain a lot of fat, yet ninety percent of this fat is the heart-healthy, unsaturated kind. In fact, recent studies have shown that eating nuts may reduce a person's risk of having a heart attack. Because nuts and seeds are high in monounsaturated fats, they have been found to lower LDL cholesterol. Roasted nuts are more flavorful and spoil less quickly, yet how they are roasted makes a big nutritional difference. Dry roasted nuts don't have any added fat. Oil roasted means the nuts are fried in oil, which adds around ten percent more fat calories to the nuts. This is no big deal unless the nuts have been roasted in saturated or hydrogenated fats (e.g. coconut oil); check the label. An increase in saturated fats lessen the nut's main nutritional claim to fame - they're low in saturated fats. While heating or roasting nuts does enhance the flavor and reduce spoilage, it also may alter some of the essential fatty acids. This is why processed nuts are less likely to go rancid, but the tradeoff may be a loss of healthy nutrients. Seeds and nuts themselves are more nutritious than the oil extracted from them, at least in theory. Seeds and nuts contain natural vitamin E, which protects their oil from going rancid. Processing may remove some of the natural antioxidants in the nuts and seeds. While nuts and seeds are a perfect snack, don't go nutty over their nutrition. A handful of nuts or seeds pack around 200 calories. Best to dole out a small amount into a container rather than snacking right out of the bag. The good news is that the fiber in nuts and seeds fills you up quickly, making you less likely to overeat while you're snacking and at the next meal. Sunflower and sesame seeds, along with various kinds of nuts, are a nutritious addition to salads. This also makes a small amount of nuts go a long way. Sprinkle on a spoonful and enjoy! NUTRITIP Seeds have nutritional profiles similar to nuts, because, after all, nuts are seeds. One ounce of hulled sunflower seeds (one medium-size handful) offers: NUTRITIP
Sesame seeds have a similar nutritional profile to sunflower seeds, but these tiny decorative seeds supply slightly more fiber, and twice as much calcium, zinc, and iron. Of all the seeds and nuts, pumpkin seeds contain the most iron, packing a blood-building four milligrams per ounce (six times more iron than in an ounce of beef). Yet, pumpkin seeds contain less vitamin E, calcium, folic acid, niacin, and fiber than sunflower or sesame seeds.
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