Thursday, April 26, 2007

ChOoSe YoUr FoOdS WiSeLy

Why should I choose fats wisely?

Diabetes increases your chances of having a heart
attack or a stroke. But you can protect your
heart and blood vessels by choosing fats wisely.

Some kinds of fat, such as butter and shortening,
can increase your cholesterol and your chances
of heart disease.
Other kinds, such as olive oil
and canola oil, protect your heart by lowering
your cholesterol levels.

All fats are high in calories. If you’re trying to
lose weight, you’ll still want to limit the amount
of fat you eat.
The types and amounts of fat
appear in the Nutrition Facts area of food labels.

How can I choose fats wisely?

Try these steps to protect your heart and blood

• Eat less total fat, especially less saturated fat
and trans fat.

• Cut back on foods that are high in cholesterol.

• Choose the kinds of fat that can help lower
your cholesterol levels.

Fats that increase your chances
of heart disease and stroke.

Saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol increase
your blood cholesterol and can cause a buildup
of materials that can clog your blood vessels.
The blood supply to your heart can be blocked,
leading to a heart attack. A blockage in the
blood vessels going to your brain can result
in a stroke.

Saturated fat

Saturated fat can raise your cholesterol level.

Trans-unsaturated fatty acids
(trans fats)
Trans fats can also raise your cholesterol level.

Sources of saturated fat

• bacon and bacon grease

• butter

• chocolate

• coconut and coconut oil

• cream sauce

• high-fat dairy products,
such as cheese, cream,
ice cream, whole milk,
2% milk, and sour cream

• fatback and salt pork

• gravy made with meat

• lard and shortening

• high-fat meats like
regular ground beef,
bologna, hot dogs,
sausage, and spareribs

• palm oil and palm
kernel oil

• poultry skin

Toolkit No. 7

Eating low-saturated-fat, low-cholesterol foods can protect
your heart and blood vessels.

Sources of trans fat

• processed foods like snacks and baked goods with
hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil

• stick margarines

• shortening

• some fast food items such as french fries

Protect Your Heart: Choose Fats Wisely


Your body makes some of the cholesterol in your
blood. The rest comes from the foods you eat.
Foods from animals are the main sources of
dietary cholesterol.

Omega-3 fatty acids

This type of fat helps prevent clogging of the
arteries. Some types of fish are high in omega-3
fatty acids. Eat fish, prepared a low-fat way, 2
or 3 times a week. Choose broiling, baking,
grilling, or steaming. You can also buy tuna
packed in water and make tuna fish salad with
low-fat or fat-free mayonnaise.

Sources of cholesterol

• high-fat dairy products

• egg yolks

• liver and other organ meats

• high-fat meat and poultry

Sources of monounsaturated fat

• avocado

• canola oil

• nuts like almonds, cashews, pecans, and peanuts

• olive oil and olives

• peanut butter and peanut oil

• sesame seeds

Sources of polyunsaturated fat

• corn oil

• cottonseed oil

• safflower oil

• soybean oil

• sunflower oil

• walnuts

• pumpkin or sunflower seeds

• soft (tub) margarine

• mayonnaise

• salad dressings


Anonymous said...

Yaaahhh tu dia...penasihat dah sampei. Nasib baik dah stop pasal choc kalau x kita yg cair mcm choc. Anak2 lak asyik sibuk tgk Charlie & the Choc Factory. X dpt makan choc tgk cerita choc pun jadilahhhh.
Kalau Sofea nak tahu kita ni suka minum teh(Lipton) nak nah lagi panas, laju je kita minum. My 2nd dotter lak suka minum green tea yg dlm btl. Kalau blh hari2 nak minum air teh tu.
Wahhh..Mamadewi betul2nye bz ye. Xpe dah habis exam anak2 nanti timbullah dia.


Anonymous said...

hmm...tak sangka ya sofea.. 'fat' ni ada bermacam macam jenis 'fat'....sampai pening kepala pakcik noh..hehehehe...berat badan saya cuma 50kg saja...kalau makan benda2 'fat' tu..bleh ke berat badan saya naik sofea?

sofea said...

T lah dia..naik jelak ehh asyik post pasal coklat aje...wahh..anak2 lela mcm mak dia juga ekk..hantu choc...isk isk sampai tengok cerita choc thing yg perlu lela tahu..kan ade green tea yg kiter beli kat kedai2 tu..whether dlm botol ke atau dlm packet ke..tu takde khasiat sangat..yg paling banyak khasiat..lela kene gi ntuc etc beli serbuk punya green tea..lepas tu lela tuang air panas dlm uncang teh tu,jgn taruk gula..tu baru khasiat lela...soya bean pun gitu lela..kalau beli dlm packet,takde khasiat tapi kalau lela beli yg nyonya jual kat pasar tu yg dia buat sendiri punya ,tu banyak khasiat.Tentang teh lipton tu,memang bagus lela,sofea minum teh cap durian,tapi taruk gula sikit aje,barukhasiat,tu pun tak sekhasiat green tea,green tea khasiat nya lebih dari lipton.Tapi sekurang2nya semua teh ade khasiatnya lela.Baguslah lela,sofea pun setiap petang,mesti buatkan teh cap durian untuk anak2 sofea bersama biskut kismis.Tapi sofea kurangnya gula,sampai anak2 complain teh tawar.Sofea kate tawar takpe,jgn esok2 berpenyakit plak korang ni,terus dorang senyum.

sofea said...

baguslah kurus,ramai org tak suka gemuk,tapi steve plak suka gemuk.Takpelah steve,kurus ke gemuk ke,janji badan sihat dan kita semua mesti mengamalkan memakan makanan sihat selalu seperti makan buah2an setiap hari,makan nasi dan ikan setiap hari,sayur2an,minum air masak..etc...

sofea said...

kurangkan gula di dlm semua makanan dan minuman kita,begitu juga minyak,kurangkan minyak di dlm semua masakan kita.Tu penting tu.