6 ounces good-quality bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa, plus more for garnish
2 cups almond milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
***Chocolate-Covered Almonds***
1/2 cup almonds, roasted
2 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped.
Place the chocolate and cocoa in a mixing bowl. Bring almond milk to a boil in a saucepan. Pour over chocolate and cocoa and whisk well to melt and make frothy. Stir in vanilla. If available, use a hand blender or hand mixer to make it even more frothy on top. Pour into mugs and serve immediately. Dust with cocoa to garnish and serve with Chocolate-Covered Almonds.
For Chocolate-Covered Almonds: Place a metal bowl of chocolate on top of one inch of water in a small saucepan. Bring water to a low simmer; stir chocolate until melted. Remove pan from heat. Working quickly, dip half of each almond in melted chocolate. Let dry on waxed paper, and serve.
This recipe for Almond Hot Chocolate serves/makes 4
JuSt 4 U Lela....
tak aci sey..for lela jer ni abetu kiter takder ke?da la kiter nak pi majok arr..ekekkee
takde..tuhari lela nak minum hot coklat..tu yg sofea bikin untuk dia ni..tapi mane entah si lela ni..satu hari ade..satu hari hilang...ohh mama nak juga ke...boleh mama..bukan hot choco aje...malah cold choco pun bleh mama!Untuk mama ku korban segalanya..ewahh..mcm matair plak..hehehe!!!
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