THE unique beauty of coconut trees is its long slender trunk and the graceful crown that sways in the gentle breeze. However, the uniqueness does not stop there as the rich flavour and the creamy santan made from the flesh of the nut and the long thin waxy coconut leaves have caught the imagination of cooks in the preparation of many of our local traditional cuisines.
Unique heritage
Young coconut leaves add an interesting feature to foods prepared for the festivals. In the month of Ramadan, family members gather around weaving ketupat casings using young coconut leaves.
This skilful art of making ketupat, which is the unique culture and heritage of the Malay, has impressed many cooks from other cultures.
Plants provide food and the leaves of plants often double as wrappers for food traditionally. The flavour and characteristics of the leaves enhance the presentation of the food served. All these features are found in ketupats.
The ketupat casing needs no string to tie to prevent the fillings from spilling out while cooking. Only one or two young leaves are used to weave a delicate casing into which rice grains are stuffed for cooking. The loose ends of the casings are knotted together and made into packages for easy handling.
These rice packages come in different shapes and sizes . The common ketupat takes the shape of a square box which is easier to make whereas cone-shaped ketupat jantung needs some special twists and turns .
Ketupat palas is made from the leaves of the palas palm.The ketupat palas casing is even more difficult to weave. When opening up the triangular casing you will find only a long thin strip of leave. |
Other than coconut leaves ketupat palas is made from the leaves of the palas palm (Licuala acutifida) which has an obscure and unique common name, the Penang lawyer. The leaves have bands of green and yellow streaks that make the appearance of the casing pleasing.
The ketupat palas casing is even more difficult to weave. When opening up the triangular casing you will find only a long thin strip of leave.
Ketupats are filled with either glutinous or ordinary rice with or without coconut milk. They are cooked in water till the rice grains are soft.
In traditional methods, it can take as long as three to four hours to cook.
Cut open the cooked ketupats with a knife, peel off the casing and the finger-licking good and fragrant ketupat is ready to be eaten.
Ketupat and rendang are the traditional welcome dishes prepared in every family during Hari Raya Adilfitri.
Moderation is the key
In recent years, red meat such as beef has been linked to an increase in risk of heart disease and cancer.
Beef rendang contains both saturated fats and cholesterol. The fat in 50g of rendang is more than that in two eggs. It supplies 127kcal, while a cup of rice has 167kcal and a thin slice of white bread has 48kcal.
However, a small portion of lean beef supplies nutrients that are required to maintain good health.
Beef is a good source of protein and vitamins especially vitamins B6 and B12. These vitamins are important nutrients to prevent osteoporosis.
The other nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc are minerals that have roles of their own for improvement of immune system and various bodily functions.
One of the ingredients that contributes to the good taste in rendang is santan, without which rendang would taste just as any other beef dish. Amino acids predominant in santan are similar to that in beef. They are leucine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acids.
The leucine is required in energy and blood-sugar regulations as well as growth and repair of muscle tissue. Arginine stimulates growth hormones and the immune system.
Our body can produce aspartic acid but a lack of aspartic acid makes us feel fatigued and depressed. Glutamic acid imparts taste to food and aids in various brain functions including transport of potassium to the brain.
Santan contains phytosterols and has no cholesterol. A quarter of the fat in santan is saturated fat, which is unhealthy especially to our heart.
Then again, santan has high lauric and capric acids, which have antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Coconut trees (Cocos nucifera) are grown commercially for their oil and the kernel cake for animal feed production. It is commonly grown in home compounds in the kampung for use in home cooking.
Santan or coconut milk is extracted from the coconut flesh or endosperm. The lingering flavour of santan reminds us of the delicious rendang.
burppppp.......oops....minta maaf sofea...steve sedawa tak segan silu..baru habis makan nasi dgn lauk rendang...hehehehe...sofea apa khabar? raya tahun ni banyak tempat ke berjalan raya bersama keluarga?
Hi Steve..tak kan kiter buka topik rendang..awak pun tengah makan rendang..hehehe
hari raya ala kadar aje maklum anak pri 5 tengah exams...minggu ni baru abis..yg lagi dua siang2 dah abis exams dah...tinggal si kecik ni aje...steve mcm maner..dah berbaik dgn kekasih ke(kepo plak aku ni)
hehehehe.....dah berbaik pun..mcm nak rak tau steve pujuk..steve rasa mcm nak bawak dia lari saja..hehehehehe...takut org lain kebas kot....hmm...mana plak geng kita yg lagi dua to sofea?mama dewi dan lela...senyap beraya agaknya eh..hehehehe
geng ehhh...hehehe
u know something steve..sofea dah tengok mamadewi live tau sebab tuhari dtg rumah dia amik cake nutella roll..sedap banget kek dia...mama ni org nye pendek tau steve..cute mute lagi pantas org nya...rumah dia pun cantik...dia sebok amik tempahan tuk kek nutella roll dia..ramai bloggers order kat dia tau...steve tak nak order?tapi tu lah..sesiapa nak order..kene dtg rumah dia amik..hehehe..kalau mama ade delivery bagus ekk..
Assalamualaikum semua...
Hehehe...ada org cari kita eh? Hope not too late ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA ;) masih ada lagi beberapa hari lagikan...Dannnnn SELAMAT MENYAMBUT DEEPAVALI. Wah, Sofea dah jumpa Mamadewi eh? Tentu bestkan. Kita sibuklah. Minggu lepas anak kita yg sekolah madrasah baru habis periksa.
Steve> baguslah dah berbaik dgn gf u. Bila lagi ni nak kahwin ni? Jgn2 merajuk pasal lambat nak kahwin x? Hehehe jgn mare haaa..
Walaikumsalam Lela..memang sofea dah jumpa dia dan skrang sofea nak jumpa lela plak..hehehe(kita kan sekampung lela)....
Selamat Hari Raya untuk Lela sekeluarga..ampun maaf dipinta andai sofea ada tersilap kata semasa menulis....dan Happy ni tak gi mana2 ke?hehehe
anak2 sofea pun semua dah abis exams..dah dapat keputusan pun...tapi yg pri 6PSLE..22nd November baru dapat result nya..
sofea> oh...sofea dah nenok mama dewi live eh..napa tak ajak lela dan steve sekali..hehehe..oic rupa2nya si mama dewi tu towkay cake ya...kencang seh...
lela> haiz...kahwin cepat atau gf tu tetap majuk...biasalah kan orang perempuan...hehehehe...majuk tak leh angkatz!!!
Hi sofea! Camner dgn keputusan PSLE anak perempuan you? Pasti cemerlangkan. Anyway tahniah.... My daughter did quite well too.
Farah's parent.
Farah's parent> Alhamdullilah, tahniah. My anak sedara pun lulus jugak. Hmmm mana Sofea nih? Kita pun tunggu jugak nih.
Steve> masih xhabis2 pujuk ur gf lagi ke? Ini mcm byk susah looo hehehe. 4 ur info x semua perempuan suka merajuk eh & that incl me. Lecehlah merajuk ni waste my time gitu :p Anyway all the best 2 u Steve
tahniah farah parent...
lela>tu lah lela...itu hari dah ok..sekarang dia merajuk giler beb..tapi takpa steve tetap bersabar dan setia padanya...hhmm...mana plak tuan tanah ni eh?kita orang nak tahu juga bagaimana keputusan anak cik sofea kita tu eh?mudah mudahan lulus dgn cemerlang hendaknya ya...amin..
Hi daughter scored well but not well enough for me..hehehe(tak puas ati...sob)
Tahniah pd Farah ye dan pd anak sedara lela...
terperanjat sehh tahun ni the highest in singapore 294....really shocking man!Terang bulan NATASHA tu ye....happy for her too(sama bangsa lah katakan ..hehehe)As wat the dad bonding is important..betul lah tu....
Thanks Sofea & Congratulations to ur dotter. At least she did her best right. Lama hilang...sibuk eh? Anyway nice 2 hear from u & HAPPY HOLIDAYS semua.
tahniah sofea 4 ur daughter good result...apa nak terperanjat seh org melayu kita memang pun boleh berjaya..tapi usaha tu boleh!!!
Thanx lela, steve and sofea. Mmg sekarang ni, anak2 Melayu kita ramai yg lebih berjaya as compared to zaman dulu. And with committed parents always guiding their children, tk mustahil anak2 Melayu boleh mencapai kejayaan yg lebih tinggi lagi. My older daughter once proved this to her school years back when she was the top student in her school's cohort of PSLE pupils. But never, never compare our child's performance against his/her siblings. Setiap anak tu ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Walaupun farah tidak sebijak kakaknya, I still feel proud that she is still the top malay pupil in her school with an aggregate of almost 250. Hopefully she manage to get into her 1st choice school.
Farah's parent
Wahh..Farah dapat almost 250 ye..bertuah parents farah ye...kakak Farah dah semamngnya pandai daughter scored less than Farah..
Semoga anak2 u berjaya kesemuanya ye walau di dlm apa bidang sekali yg diceburi...dlm masa yg sama menaikkan nama bangsa,agama dan keluarga..insya Allah..kami disini sentiasa beri galakan dan dorongan dan turut bahgia bila ada anak2 melayu yg berjaya..
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