3 cups Cold milk
1 small pkg. Chocolate pudding mix
1 1/2 cup Vanilla ice cream
Pour milk into blender container. Add remaining ingredients; cover. Blend at high speed 15 seconds or until smooth. Let stand a few minutes. Mixture will thicken as it stands. Thin with additional milk, if needed.
Make this a low fat shake by using skim milk, sugar free pudding mix, and ice milk or frozen yogurt.
KhAs BuAt MaMaDeWikuuuu yg terindah dan tersayang!Stay funky and let's shake it to the maxxxxxxxxxxx..haha
jgn lah merajuk mama...tu tengok tu mak dah kasi shake besar punya..kalau kureng besar..mak kasi lagi besar..nak..hehehe
meaceh sofea..sedap la..tapi tak ley minom bebanyak these few days me tak braper sehat la so kener jager sket aper kiter makan or minom..nanti kalau kiter da baik buatkan lagik eh yang sedap2..hehehe
oic..mama sakit ekk..sad to hear that..banyakkan berehat k dan banyakkan minum air masak serta jgn lupa makan ubat!Boleh mama..nanti kalau dah baik..sofea buatkan lagi k..kali ni yg special untuk mama...ahakz(mcm real aku ni)
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